Earlier this week, Wacom released version 7.2.1-21 of its Enhanced Tablet Driver, aka Feel driver.
The company hasn't updated its ReadMe file, so it's unclear what has changed. My inquiries to Wacom have gone unanswered.
It appears that the primary purpose of this release was to introduce compatibility with new ActiveES devices like the Toshiba Encore 2 Write. Now those tablet users can enjoy the benefits of the built-in radial menu, tip sensitivity adjustment and calibration.
I've tested the driver on Surface Pro 2, 10" Encore 2 Write, HP Pro x2 612 G1 and the Asus VivoTab TF810C with no problems to report.
If you spot any differences, be sure to let me know in the comments section below. UPDATE 2/15/15: Many of you are reporting laggy performance and loss of volume button controls on the Surface Pro. Keep those error reports coming and we'll make sure to pass word along to Wacom. If you need to revert to an older version, you find those here: http://us.wacom.com/en/support/legacy-drivers/.
You can check out the driver for yourself here.